There are about thirty extracuriculer activities at my school, I choose only three, Angklung Community Member (KPA), Movie Maker Community (MP3), and Art Community member (SSR). I choose KPA because I get interested in playing Angklung as a traditional musical instrument and I want to get involve in angklung concert in abroad as KPA annual concert.
The reason why I choose MP3 is unclear. I just interrested in movie maker, although I have no talent in this field I guess. I just want to know the process of making a movie. I love film very much. There are a deep messages trying to convey in some film which is good for our life.
The last extracuriculer activity is SSR. I love art particularly decoration and design graphic. In SSR, I learn them much. SSR is often asked to decorates for most school events. My creativity of art is being developed in SSR. I found friends with high sense of art, I like to share and learn about art with them. They give me inspiration.
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